My creative endeavors start with a simple question:

“What happens if?”

While only three words, its brevity obscures a profound depth. It is the source of new ideas, fresh techniques, and many “…well, that didn't quite go as planned” experiences. It's the curiosity and the questions it invites that draws me back to my studio, day after day.

Learn more about Ben

As an interdisciplinary artist based in Northern Virginia, my work is an exploration of the external world and my inner self. The paintings, sculptures, instruments, and objects I fabricate weave together natural and synthetic elements. It is in these fusions where I give form to answers I discover.

My work is available for purchase, and I am available for commissions and collaborations. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more.

Explore my artwork

Ben at the Merrymaker's Marketplace, October 2023. Photo by Sarah Schmidt ( Overhead view of three painted concrete mushrooms from Ben's “Magick” series. 2023. Photo by Sarah Schmidt (

My work is available for purchase, and I am available for commissions and collaborations. Please use the form below to send me a note if you are interested in learning more.